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When does the next season start?

We arrange our calendar around the Spring and Fall seasons (from time to time we may offer summer or winter supplemental programs). These are approximations and details are not finalized until closer to the beginning of each season.


Spring Season Typical Timeline:

  • Registration opens up end of February or early March

  • Practices start mid to end of March

  • Games April through May on Saturdays


Fall Season Typical Timeline:

  • Registration opens up near the end of July or early August

  • Practices start mid to end of August

  • Games September through October on Saturdays

What does traveling soccer mean?

We participate primarily in the 641 League hosted by towns in SE Iowa. Towns take turns being the host each Saturday during the season, and all clubs play games at that one location for the day. Players are expected to travel to the host location and play games when they are scheduled, however, life happens and not every player makes it to every game.


Towns that often participate in the 641 League are:

  • Fairfield

  • Ottumwa

  • Washington

  • Mount Pleasant

  • Centerville

  • Oskaloosa

  • and sometimes Albia and Burlington

What does my child need to have in order to play?

Required to play in a game are the following: A team jersey, shorts (black) shin guards, tall socks (black) that cover the outside of the shin guards, and soccer cleats (note: football and baseball cleats will not pass soccer safety checks on game day).


For practices we ask that kids bring their own ball to practices (U6-U8 size 3, U9-U12 size 4, U13 and up size 5). Soccer cleats, shin guards, and socks should be worn to all practices as well.


And of course kids should always have plenty of water and be dressed for the weather be it rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, etc. 

How can I help?

FASA is run entirely by volunteers. If you see something being done, it is because someone is donating their time to do it.


If you want something done that is not being done, that might be the right time to roll up your sleeves, pitch in, and make a difference.


If interested in volunteering, please find us on the pitch or use the contact form on the home page of this website to let us know that you have time, equipment, expertise, or funds that can help us provide the best youth soccer program possible for our community!

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